Kaley Cuoco flaunted her bikini body in a poolside pic she shared on Instagram Wednesday, June 24.”Yep. Leave it to me to find a swim-suit pant,” the Big Bang Theory star, 29, captioned the shot, which features the blonde bombshell in a black bikini top and matching spandex shorts.
Hm… perhaps the “swim-suit pant” will become a trend now! Best known for her character Penny on The Big Bang Theory, Kaley is known to be equally sexy both on and off screen.
And if you are a die hard lover of the The Big Bang Theory, then you will definitely love to know and enjoy some of the rarely known facts.
In 2016, Kaley Cuoco dated Karl Cook. And by 2018 the couple was married. Internet is flooded with many pictures of Kaley Cuoco right from her red carpet images to her hot and sexy figure. If you are a fan of her then you will definitely love these pictures.
Kaley Cuoco posted a pic to Instagram confirming that she’s definitely in the latter category.The Big Bang Theory star posted the above photo of herself, her lagoon-style pool and her giant inflatable swan along with the caption, “Best. Day. Ever.”
Cuoco has every reason to have a smile on her face these days. She married Ryan Sweeting in January and recently revealed that thanks to her brief relationship with Henry Cavill, she’s more famous than ever.
It’s no surprise that the Big Bang Theory star is fond of posing for bikini photos. Kaley says her breast implants (that she received at age 18) still qualify as the “best decision” she ever made.
Seems like a lot of money and trouble just to go just to hide them behind an inflatable swan, but hey, maybe she didn’t want to seem like a show-off (for once).
Kaley has received more attention for her looks and her private life than for her acting, but the PR-savvy 28-year-old seems intent on turning her newfound It Girl status into TV and film success.
Posting half-naked pictures of herself is definitely a good start. You know. If you want to put a positive spin on it and all.